1. What kind of layout is used in a physical fitness center?
2. What is the objective of assembly-line balancing? How would you deal with the situation where one worker, although trying hard, is 20 percent slower than the other 10 people on a line?
What kind of layout is used in a physical fitness center?

What kind of layout is used in a physical fitness center?

1. What kind of layout is used in a physical fitness center?
2. What is the objective of assembly-line balancing? How would you deal with the situation where one worker, although trying hard, is 20 percent slower than the other 10 people on a line?
What kind of layout is used in a physical fitness center?

1. What kind of layout is used in a physical fitness center?
2. What is the objective of assembly-line balancing? How would you deal with the situation where one worker, although trying hard, is 20 percent slower than the other 10 people on a line?